PetroMOD 2024.1

نوشته شده توسط Super User. ارسال در مدل سازی زمین شناسی

Petromod basin modeling software combines seismic, well, and geological information to model the evolution of a sedimentary basin. Petromod software has several applications. Classically, applied for hydrocarbon exploration, Petromod predicts if and how a reservoir has been charged with hydrocarbons. This includes the source and timing of hydrocarbon generation, migration routes, quantities, and hydrocarbon type in subsurface or at surface conditions.





Petromod is equally suitable for other basin modeling usages such as carbon storage site screening, natural hydrogen modeling, and geothermal modeling among others. Petromod can be used in all geological environments, regardless of their complexity. This includes compressional and extensional tectonic environments and salt provinces.

Petromod software has a standardized user interface across the entire 1D, 2D, and 3D software suite and employs the same simulators in 1D, 2D, and 3D to ensure that all technical features and tools are available and identical in all dimensions. Multiple simulation methods, for example, Darcy, flow path (ray tracing), invasion percolation (IP), and the Petromod hybrid and combined methods (Darcy/flow path/IP) are used with the same data models. It is possible to couple water solubility including dissolution and advection with all migration methods.

Petromod fluid migration modeling technology is the most advanced commercially available tool and the only commercial system with fully PVT controlled modeling of n-component/3-phase relationships during the entire migration process. The 2D and 3D migration modeling technology delivers an improved understanding and prediction of fluid properties for several basin model applications by offering flash calculations throughout the entire model and its geologic history.

For further analysis and post-processing Petromod input and output data are easily integrated with the Petrel E&P platform. Petromod takes advantage of high-performance computing by allowing to submit simulations for parallel processing in the cloud.

Key features in this release (2024.1):

Carbon storage workflows

The following improvements and new features related to carbon storage workflows have been implemented:

• Mineralization

• Improved advection modelling

• Improved injection pressure

• Time step resolution down to 1 week

• New age unit “a” (year)

• IP Express new features

• Influence of aquifers on water vectors

• New overlays


Multiple scenarios

The first version for multiple scenario analysis has been implemented. Now you can simulate several versions of a model varying one parameter at a time. The following tools have been adjusted to be compatible with multiple scenarios:

• Command Menu

• Simulator

• Viewers

• Overlay calculator

Command Menu

• Project Browser - new features and new arrangement

• Drastically improved performance of SEG-Y export

PetroBuilder 2D / 3D

• Simulation settings kept when using Save as, Create child model, and Regrid model.

PetroBuilder 3D

• Possibility to sample property cubes when using the processes Create child model and Regrid model


• Nested Models: Output ages from nested model are now considered.

• Open Simulator can now be used as a stand-alone Python module without using the Petromod simulator.

Viewer 3D

• Sublayer visualization

• Refresh of simulation results

User experience improvements

• Simulation status icons shown in many apps

• Customized range of output ages

• Well performance has been improved across all applications

• Search function now implemented in PetroBuilders

• Many others…

Petromod in the Domain Profiles (Delfi only)

• Connection with Carbon Storage Ranking


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