ارزیابی پتروفیزیک | EasyTrace 2023.1
EasyTrace is a multi-disciplinary 1D data processing and editing tool, featuring under a very productive package a wide range of functionalities for geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers. In 2023 version, the main evolutions have aimed to improve the user experience of Quick Set functionality. The version now enables the storage of synthetic CDP in dynamic traces. Additionally, several bugs have been addressed and corrected.
Integrated log processing
Well data are often acquired in different formats, with different sampling rates, requiring appropriate processing for modern geological modeling. Geophysical and geological reservoir characterization both require specific log processing and editing, for example rock-typing from logs and cores, seismic signature analysis, and AVO feasibility analysis.
EasyTraceTM takes advantage of a true spreadsheet environment that offers advanced 1D data editing, analysis and processing functionalities to help geoscientists in their daily work. EasytraceTM is also plugged on the OpenFlow® platform and shares all its powerful capabilities with all the other OpenFlow SuiteTM applications.
A versatile toolbox
EasyTrace™ is used on a daily basis by its users in many geoscientific workflows such as:
Well log interpretation
Seismic reservoir characterization
Electrofacies and rock-typing
Gross deposiitonal environment
Source rock evaluation
Featuring a wide range of data import filters, EasyTrace™ allows the manipulation and analysis of any kind of data: continuous and discrete logs, core data (CCAL & SCAL), fracture data, markers, in time and depth domains. Its high number of functionalities and high level of interactivity between graphs, histograms or cross-plots allow for efficient data understanding and analysis.
Main functionalities
Geophysical applications including:
Sonic lig calibration with checkshots or VSP data
AVO/AVA analysis and modeling
Signal simulation
Pore pressure prediction
Rock physics and Biot-Gassmann fluid substitution
Petrophysical applications including:
Well log and core interpretation
Electrofacies and rock-type classification
Principal Component Analysis
Saturation height modeling
Total Organic Carbon estimation using conventional logs
EasyTraceTM is a natural pre-processing tool for different workflows such as electrofacies determination for matrix characterization, data preparation for lithoseismic inversion, fracture data analysis or plug data management like KrPc and classification for rock-typing.
2023.1 Enhancement:
Access to Quick Set in Apply to Multiwells
Users can access to Quickset in the destination wells window. This new functionality allows users, previously, creating a selected group of wells for “Apply to Multiwells” application.
Access to Quick Set in Correlation Graph
Users can access to Quickset with the Correlation Graph application. If users want to use the Existing markers Traces, the related markers should be placed in the Quickset.
Users can initialize well display with an existing Multigraph template. There is no need to puts the Traces (logs) displayed in the Multigraph template in the Quick Set folder. Application can look for traces/logs presented in Survey Well folder.
Save Synthetic CDP in the AVA/AVO module as dynamic trace
From this version, users can save the Synthetic CDP from AVA/AVO application in dynamic traces. It is important to note that the dynamic functionality can not be applied on X-axis variable of CDP gather. If users modify step or Angle gather, it needs to store the new synthetic traces associated to new angle gathers.
Bug correction
The following bugs have been fixed for this update
Bug regarding Crash when selecting Multiwells in application MultiGraph-AddTrace
Bug regarding the Display Marked Samples between the cross-plot and multigraph
Bug regarding the loss of dynamics link to variable in Quick set in Apply to Mutiwells application
Bug regarding the conversion between Sw in % to Sw in v/v in Water Calculation with Pc
Bug regarding using formular on Pc data has been fixed.
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