CMG 2024.101

نوشته شده توسط Super User. ارسال در مهندسی نفت و مخزن

CMG develops market-leading reservoir simulation software, which is recognized worldwide as the industry standard for advanced recovery processes. CMG's superior technology continues to break new ground for capabilities — simulating the simple to the most advanced recovery processes through a combination of easy-to-use model building workflows, state-of-the-art Performance Enhancement Technology and cross-disciplinary multi-physics (e.g. thermal effects, geochemistry, geomechanics, fluid and phase behavior, wellbore hydraulics and completions) required to accurately model recovery processes. Latest version of CMG is 2024.101




What’s New in GEM 2024.10:


CO2 Density Interpolation in Pure CO2 Grid Blocks

During CO2 injection and storage operations, as injected CO2 displaces components especially near wells, the grid blocks gradually become richer and richer in CO2, eventually containing nearly pure CO2. However, there is no gradual phase transition from gas to liquid for a pure substance due to the limited degree of freedom, resulting in a discontinuous phase density across the saturation point and causing convergence difficulties.

A new keyword *CO2-DEN-SMOOTH is introduced to interpolate phase CO2 density between liquid and vapor states for nearly pure CO2 grid-blocks. This eliminates density discontinuity during the phase change, thereby enhancing the stability and convergence behavior of the simulation. See keyword *CO2-DEN-SMOOTH in GEM manual and template data set gmghg054.dat

Component Molar Well Stream Rates through Outboard

The component molar well rate and cumulative in different surface streams can now be passed to third party applications though Outboard by using newly added sub-keyword *WELL-QMOL of *OUTLIST. Each of the component molar rates are split into four streams: OIL, GAS, WTG and INL (depending on the separator specification). This data could also be accessed by Pycontrol for updating recurrent information during a run.

IPR Table Generation

The heuristics of IPR table generation have been improved, especially for wells completed in multiple layers and exhibiting back-flow.

Three options are provided for selecting the pressure column in the IPR table, i.e., “-iprbhp n” with n = 0, 1, or 2, allowing equi-distance pressure, existing non-linear, or the new non-linear approach for handling backflow, respectively.

Also, in addition to keyword *IPRTAB, a command line option “-iprtab n” is provided to indicate the number of rows to be created in the IPR table. These options are useful for models running GEM coupled with third party wellbore or surface network programs.


PDEGAB Setting for the Linear Solver Pre-Conditioner

The solver pre-conditioner degree is controlled by two keywords, *PDEGAA and *PDEGAB, which by default are set to 1 and 2, respectively. The *PDEGAB 0 removes the separator class and makes the solver convergence faster at the expense of a marginal increase in solver iterations. For the *AUTOP2D option, the selection of *PDEGAB 1 results in saving in the run time in most of the models.

A new strategy based on the number of active grid-blocks automatically sets the PDEGAB to 0, 1, or 2 resulting in considerable savings in the run time in most models tested. If necessary, this can be overridden by the explicit specification of keyword *PDEGAB in the data file or through command line option “-pdegab n”.

GEM’s end-time summary echoes the value of PDEGAA and PDEGAB for easy identification of the values used during the simulation in different runs.


Modified Cam Clay Constitutive Model

Three keywords, *MCDIFTOLP, *MCUNLOAD, and *YOUNGMAX are added for improving the modeling of Modified Cam Clay feature.

Keyword *MCDIFTOLP allows specification of a pressure tolerance to determine if the material is in a loading or unloading state.

The purpose of keyword *MCUNLOAD is to constrain the unloading state at a particular time in the recurrent data. When this keyword is present, normally in recurrent section, the Young’s modulus is computed by either the keyword *MCBMODINI or the keyword *MCBULKMOD.

Keyword *YOUNGMAX is used to specify a value to limit the unloading Young’s modulus computed by the keyword *MCBULKMOD.

See template data sets gmgmc093 and gmgmc094.

GCUPDATE Improvements

A new keyword *GCUPDTOL tol is introduced to specify a pressure tolerance to limit the magnitude of pressure change to stabilize the numerical calculations in geomechanics. This consists of a condition, tol, that is a pressure value above which *GCUPDATE is triggered irrespective of the update frequency specified or defined via the default.


• Fixed failure in trigger action activation with outboard

• Fixed GCUPDATE for non-isothermal geomechanics models

• Fixed output of *NBSTRAINI and *NBSTRAINJ in models with geomechanics

What’s New in Builder 2024.10:

Improvements and Fixes

Performance updates

The first Builder update of the year brings with it speed improvements to workflows involving planar hydraulic fractures. We have rearchitected the Hydraulic Fracture dialog to remove existing calculation delays, allowing responsive window interactions. Visualization for refinements and fractures has also been updated to reflect model adjustments accurately and promptly.

Stability In this release we addressed reliability when working with include (*.inc) and FAB (*.fab) files with different paths and file names after saving. An ongoing initiative to address potential stability issues continues by proactively improving code quality and introducing more robust safeguards within the product. These strategic improvements collectively contribute to a more seamless and reliable user experience, reinforcing the software's stability and user-friendliness.

What’s New in cEdit 2024.10:

No new features have been added to cEdit in 2024.10.

What's New in CMOST 2024.10

CMOST™ leverages cutting-edge statistical analysis, machine learning, and impartial data interpretation to pinpoint the optimal reservoir & operations solution, now in its third generation. It introduces significant improvements in usability and performance across various aspects, marking a significant step forward in enhancing the user experience. With its enhanced features and streamlined functionality, CMOST sets a new standard for efficiency and effectiveness in reservoir engineering and optimization.

Below is a summary of the changes in this release:

Robust Objective Function Definition Wizard

Users are introduced to a new wizard that simplifies the process of defining robust objective functions. This wizard offers the flexibility to choose from a range of pre-defined functions or to craft customized formula-based scripts tailored to specific needs. With the ability to leverage both pre-defined functions and customizable scripts, users gain greater control over their analysis, enabling them to tackle complex tasks with ease.

Study Validation

In scenarios involving large-scale models with numerous parameters and complex time series data, ensuring the validation of the study before initiating the engine is very important. However, sometimes the validation process can be time-consuming. Acknowledging this time constraint, users now have the option to speed the processing by bypassing the validation step, albeit not recommended. This flexibility allows users to prioritize speed when they are confident in the study's validity, albeit with the understanding that skipping validation introduces potential risks. While this option accelerates the processing time, it's essential to emphasize the importance of thorough validation to maintain the integrity and reliability of the study's results.

CMOST-Petrel Integration Improvement

In this update, the integration between CMOST and Petrel has undergone some enhancements, ensuring a smoother workflow for users. Specifically, these improvements focus on optimizing the shutdown process of Petrel after completing pre-simulation tasks. With this enhancement, users can now experience a seamless transition as Petrel shuts down gracefully, minimizing disruptions and enhancing overall efficiency.

Smart Validation

Incorporated throughout CMOST are diverse smart validation mechanisms, strategically placed in different sections, to assist users in identifying and rectifying any potential errors that may arise during study setup. These validations serve as proactive guides, offering real-time feedback and suggestions to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the study configuration process.

Export Plot Data Table

With the latest update, users have gained the ability to export data from a variety of plots, including fundamental time series and combined histograms, directly to Excel. This feature enhances their analytical capabilities by facilitating seamless data transfer for in-depth analysis and manipulation.

Usability and Bugs Fixes

In this latest release, various bugs have been diligently addressed, accompanied by the implementation of several usability enhancements. These strategic improvements collectively contribute to a more seamless and reliable user experience, reinforcing the software's stability and user-friendliness. The refinements encompassed in this release aim to elevate the overall quality of the software, rectifying issues, and optimizing features to ensure users encounter a smoother, more gratifying interaction with the application.

What’s New in PyControl 2024.10:

New Keyword Support


Included support for component molar data keywords. This includes the following keywords: QOIL, QGAS, QINL, QWTG, COIL, CGAS, CINL and CWTG.

What’s New in Results 2024.10:

Improvements and Fixes

Speed and stability

The 2024.10 version of Results updates SR3 (*.sr3) load speed by optimizing the algorithm used to import new files. This update aids in efficiency and removes any perceived application freezing on file load. Similar changes have also been made to remove slowdowns when creating new quick plots. An ongoing initiative to address potential stability issues continues by proactively improving code quality and introducing more robust safeguards within the product. These strategic improvements collectively contribute to a more seamless and reliable user experience, reinforcing the software's stability and user-friendliness.

Various fixes

Quality of life improvements in 2024.10 include cleaning up UI elements to certain dialogs and screens, fixes to naming inconsistencies when re-saving projects with many files, and improved accuracy plotting many points with a high fidelity.

What’s New in Report 2024.10:

New Feature

CSV Export

Results Report has added the ability to print out a table as a “comma separated value” file (*.csv). This format eases import and modifications in external packages such as Microsoft Excel. To access this feature, include the *SPREADSHEET *CSV keyword within the command file in report scope (outside any *TABLE-FOR *TABLE-END pair).

e.g. “ *FILES ‘path\to\file.sr3’







*PARAMETERS 'Gas Rate SC' 'Oil Rate SC' 'Water Rate SC'


What’s New in IMEX 2024.10:

Enhanced Coal Bed Methane (CBM)

IMEX implemented matrix to fracture diffusion process in a coal bed by specifying keyword *COAL-DIF-TIME.

Gas adsorption is required through use of a Langmuir model. IMEX will calculate matrix pressure that keeps the desorbing matrix gases in equilibrium with a free gas phase in the matrix.

*WBLOCK-COAL keyword including *UNI and *DBL options provides the water blocking functions for matrix-fracture diffusive flows. The *UNI option assumes that water present in the cleats could reduce the contact area for gas trying to flow from the cleats into the coal, while having no effect as cleat depressurization causes gas to evolve from the coal. In the *DBL option, water always interferes regardless of flow direction.

Keyword *COAL-SHRINKAGE-MODEL has been implemented to specify the input parameters required to model fracture porosity and absolute permeability due to changes in net overburden stress and matrix shrinkage/swelling. Two models are developed including isotropic Palmer-Mansoori model (*PM) and anisotropic Palmer-Higgs model (*PH).

Please see template mxsmo106.dat for an implementation example.


Modified Cam Clay Constitutive Model

Three keywords, *MCDIFTOLP, *MCUNLOAD, and *YOUNGMAX are added for improving the modeling of Modified Cam Clay feature.

Keyword *MCDIFTOLP allows specification of a pressure tolerance to determine if the material is in a loading or unloading state.

The purpose of keyword *MCUNLOAD is to constrain the unloading state at a particular time in the recurrent data. When this keyword is present, normally in recurrent section, the Young’s modulus is computed by either the keyword *MCBMODINI or the keyword *MCBULKMOD.

Keyword *YOUNGMAX is used to specify a value to limit the unloading Young’s modulus computed by the keyword *MCBULKMOD.

What’s New in STARS 2024.10:


Specify a New Multiplier for The Reaction Rates *RXRANGE keyword has been designed to allow non-zero reaction rates when mole fraction of a given component is between xmin and xmax. The reaction should be defined by *STOREAC and *STOPROD keywords. The reaction multiplier is computed based on the following formula, x < xmin 0 xmin < x < xmax F · [ ( x–xmin ) · ( xmax–x ) ] E / [(xmax–xmin)/2 ] 2E xmax < x 0

A similar multiplier can be applied to all reactions defined in a model using *RXGLOBMULT keyword. *RXAPGMULT keyword can be used to specify which individual reactions will be affected. Please refer to the template for an example implementation: stfu080.dat.

Change the Dependency of a Reaction Rate to Porosity *POREXP keyword allows the user to specify an exponent for porosity when evaluating the concentration of a component to compute the reaction rate, ⯑⯑=(⯑⯑⯑⯑⯑⯑⯑⯑⯑⯑⯑⯑⯑⯑)⯑⯑⯑⯑ porexp is the porosity exponent which takes default value of 1.0 if not specified. Please refer to the template for an example implementation: stflu080.dat.

Print Out Information Associated with *LAYERCLUMP

The user can now output the associated information related to all layers of *LAYERCLUMP. For this purpose, the sub-keyword *ALL has been made available to control/report lumping quantities such as: *OUTSRF *SPECIAL *CRLLRATE *ALL *PROD *OIL.


Modified Cam Clay Constitutive Model

Three keywords, *MCDIFTOLP, *MCUNLOAD, and *YOUNGMAX are added for improving the modeling of Modified Cam Clay feature.

Keyword *MCDIFTOLP allows specification of a pressure tolerance to determine if the material is in a loading or unloading state.

The purpose of keyword *MCUNLOAD is to constrain the unloading state at a particular time in the recurrent data. When this keyword is present, normally in recurrent section, the Young’s modulus is computed by either the keyword *MCBMODINI or the keyword *MCBULKMOD.

Keyword *YOUNGMAX is used to specify a value to limit the unloading Young’s modulus computed by the keyword *MCBULKMOD.

GCUPDATE Improvements

A new keyword *GCUPDTOL tol is introduced to specify a pressure tolerance to limit the magnitude of pressure change to stabilize the numerical calculations in geomechanics. This consists of a condition, tol, that is a pressure value above which *GCUPDATE is triggered irrespective of the update frequency specified or defined via the default.



• Print out detailed information when flash calculations fail to converge

Bug Fixes

• Incorrect cumulative production reporting in some restart runs

• Oil rate at SC not printed out in SR3 file when *SURFLASH *KVALUE is used

• Inconsistent calculation of maximum variable change in MPI runs

• Evaluating *PDEGAB when reordering is done for the Jacobian domain

What’s New in WinProp 2024.10:

WinProp CE

A new kind of WinProp product is created for users with unique licensing to work on the subset of all supported aqueous/mineral reactions that is available for jurisdictions with restrictive government regulations.

Regression Workflow Enhancement

Users can now easily check the after-regression parameter values directly from the Regression Parameters tab after the regression calculation is done. They are listed under the column Final Value as read-only fields. The corresponding cells will be highlighted in red if they reach their pre-defined boundaries. Also, the cell ToolTip text shows if the upper or lower boundary is reached.

Users can still access this information from the simulation results (.out) file, in the Summary of Regression Variables section.

GEM Enhanced Geochemistry Support

From the Reaction Selection tab users can select aqueous/mineral reactions from all four supported reaction databases including: (Wolery) thermos.dat, Phreeqc.dat, Minteq.V4.dat, and SolTherm.xpt.


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