HampsonRussell 2024.3

نوشته شده توسط Super User. ارسال در لرزه نگاری

Reduce the risks and costs associated with exploration and production with world-class advanced geophysical interpretation and analysis from our HampsonRussell 2024 software. This comprehensive suite of reservoir characterization tools integrates well logs, seismic data and geophysical processes into an easily navigated, intuitive package for fast results. Known for its ease of use, HampsonRussell makes sophisticated geophysical techniques accessible. Experience powerful speed improvements for your processing projects with multi-node processing, Get the flexibility to design and code any process with the Python ecosystem while taking advantage of the HampsonRussell project structure and data access, Quickly import and use shapefiles, Work with your AWS and Microsoft Azure cloud data.



Introduction to HampsonRussell 2024.3

HampsonRussell software products have been providing innovative geophysical solutions since 1987, in comprehensive and easy-to-use packages.

Our primary focus of the latest release, HampsonRussell 2024.3, is adding client requested improvements, and improving performance and usability.

Are you new to HampsonRussell? We recommend you start with Start Tab, HampsonRussell Main Window and Main Menu, and Guides.

New features for HampsonRussell

For a more complete list of new features for HampsonRussell 2024.3 see What's New for HampsonRussell 2024.3 and the Release Notes on the client portal (Software Downloads).

HampsonRussell 2024.3

Color Key

Use scientifically derived color maps for clearer and more informative color displays and presentations that are accessible to all viewers including those with color-vision deficiency


Simultaneously display isochron (or isopach) and pick amplitude analysis lines on the same pick analysis display below the seismic  A depth-time log in a specific well can now be copied into multiple other wells


When the input well is classified, volumes for multiple classes can now be output from the CNN Apply to Volume step, such as most likely class, probability of most likely class, and probability of specific classes

View CNN QC plot statistics such as correlation for all wells in a single table. Change the analysis windows and recalculate the statistics on the fly to determine goodness of fit

Log Processing

Automatically check shot all wells in Multi-well Log Correlation. The new Checkshot Correction button in the Analysis Menu panel applies the active check shot log for each well to the specified P-wave log using default parameters

Bulk shift select multiple logs in Multi-well Log Correlation similarly to the Log Correlation process. A new Apply Shift button has been added to the Correlation Calculation panel. A Bulk Shift button has also been added to the Analysis Menu

Petrel Connection

When importing wells using the GeoSoftware Petrel Plugin, previously imported wells can now be automatically selected for import. The new "Select previously imported wells" option has been added to the Select Petrel Wells tab

Seismic Import/Export

Import one or more large 3D SEG-Y files efficiently. A new "Load Batch" button has been added to the Geometry page in the Import Seismic dialog

Well Import/Export

During LAS import, log types can now be autodetected from the mnemonics using a wildcard search. In the Log Type Mapping dialog, enter the search text and an asterisk

HampsonRussell 2024.2

Cross Plotting

Calculate and display F-Mu-Rho template lines on VpVs ratio vs P-Impedance cross plots


Multiple2D volumes can be used as input in CNN steps

Create synthetic traces to be used for the Training step on the fly instead of using a synthetic volume as the synthetics source


Speed the access to the well database data (opening a project, selecting wells in the Data Explorer, etc.) when "Use file caching" is used for Fast Data Access. Select the "Use optimized access" option to the Settings Process Behavior tab.

Compute an Elastic Density curve for the Extended Elastic Impedance case using a specified chi angle and a K value. This elastic density curve, when coupled with a standard P-wave curve, outputs an EEI reflectivity for log correlation, synthetic generation, etc.

Log Processing

Insert and display computed data as variable density into seismic tracks. The Inserted color parameter in the "Log Display Option" dialog has new "Computed synthetic", "Composite trace", and "Computed Impedance" options


The Wavelet Transform process has been added to Pro4D. It is now also listed under Time Lapse (Pro4D) > Calibration in the Processes list. Super volumes can now be used as input and the output will be a super volume

View traces for all sub volumes in a super volume side by side. Display traces grouped by offset, azimuth, or vintage


Gardner's three-term model has been added to the rock physics model library. The new Gardner (Polynomial) option is in the "Load rock physics model" dialog Laws tab

HampsonRussell 2024.1

Cross Plotting

Fit a regression line to analyze the depth trend. The regression line can be calculated using X as a function of Y (default) instead of the usual Y as a function of X

Specify the Scaling Factors for displaying scaled attributes in AVO Attributes seismic cross plots.


A new Advanced option, "Average traces using Trace Mix", has been added to smooth the output from Emerge Apply.


New CNN QC plot for displaying seismic output from the Apply to Volume step.

Angle dependent wavelet groups can now be used to generate synthetics and compute the scalar for the seismic in the Apply to Volume step.

Horizon/Slice Processing

The new Create Stratigraphic Slices process create multiple conforming data slices between two horizons.

Petrel Connection

GeoSoftware Petrel Plugin live link for seismic data.

Export data slices to Petrel using the GeoSoftware Petrel Plugin.


View out of bounds rock parameters (potential nulls) and their replacement values in the Message panel 


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