KAPPA Emeraude 5.50.05
KAPPA Emeraude 5.50.05 is the leading provider of Dynamic Data Analysis software, training and consulting services. Data are analyzed on whatever scale is available, from high frequency, high resolution transient data through low frequency, low resolution rate data in production analysis and on into full field history matching and vertical description using production log and formation test analysis.
Emearude 5.50.05 - 21 June 2024
Application - Some tracks could be missing when opening a document.
Application - Fraction unit selection was not possible anymore in tables.
Browser - Copy to clipboard was not working in Plot vs Time.
Load - Some curves were missing when loading some DLIS files.
Load - Depth column could not be recognized as ordered in some cases.
Load - ° unit symbol was not recognized anymore on some systems.
Interpretation - Apparent velocity could be discarded after calculation.
Interpretation - ADF solution was sometimes not predicting water density where it should have.
Well Integrity - Array data could disappear after editing operations in Explore (only the image was remaining).
Well Integrity - An exception could occur after trying to delete a range of noise data in Explore.
Well Integrity - Impossible to select MTTROT as bearing for MTT array in some cases.
Application - Mnemonics recognition now ignores letter case.
Interpretation - 'Cte slippage' label replaced by 'Constant slippage'.
MPT - OpenField track templates file updated (OpenField_v5.50.05.kvt).
Well integrity - Nusonix tool from Cereus (THK, thickness, and ECO, cement) added to catalog.
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