JewelSuite Geomechanics 2023
JewelSuite 13 Geomechanics provides a proven workflow to help you optimize your well plans and define a safe operating window to maximize drilling performance, minimize drilling risk and improve safety. With it, you can create geomechanical models and analyze wellbore stability from well logs and drilling data. It replaces the functionality provided by GMI WellCheck and GMI ModelBuilder and adds additional advanced functionality, including real-time WITSML.
Key features
A wide range of modeling tools focused on speed of analysis and ease of use are provided, allowing you to perform the following tasks:
Import petrophysical logs from the study well and offset wells, from files and in real time.
Interactively create composite logs.
Determine lithology and shale volume from gamma log measurements.
Import and display measured formation pressure tests, gas kicks, leak off pressures, loss of circulation, and mud weights.
Enter and display a well schematic.
Incorporate interval velocity information from seismic data.
Calculate and interactively modify overburden profile from composite density using bulk density and acoustic and user-defined curves.
Interactively draw and modify normal compaction trend lines.
Calculate pore pressure from trend line methods and interactively draw an interpreted pore pressure profile.
Interpret SHmin, and SHmax.
Calculate fracture gradient using several methods.
Define local porosity–effective stress relationships.
Identify, interpret, calibrate and predict loading and unloading depth zones.
Calculate centroid and buoyancy effects in permeable formations.
Calculate Poisson’s ratio, Young’s modulus, rock strength, friction angle, and compressibility.
Calculate porosity from density, acoustic and resistivity logs.
These tasks, among others, can be completed using sequence of dedicated workflow forms that guide you through the various high level workflows in a logical and intuitive way.
تیم PetroTools آخرین نسخه این نرم افزار را برای شما ارائه می دهد. جهت تهیه نرم افزار با استفاده از منوی خرید با ما در تماس باشید
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