ارزیابی پتروفیزیک | Interactive Petrophysic - IP 4.2
بسته پتروفیزیکی IPجهت استفاده کاربران عادی و متخصصان پتروفیزیک توسط شرکت Senergyتوسعه یافته است. نرم افزارInteractive Petrophysicsکه به مختصر به آن IPگفته می شود توسط پتروفیزیستهای ماهر با نگاهی به فعالیتهای پتروفیزیست ها و خواسته های آنها طراحی شده است. IPیک نرم افزار سریع، دقیق، قابل حمل، با طراحی متفاوت و با کاربردی آسان برای زمین شناسان و پتورفیزیستها می باشد. زمین شناسان می توانند با بررسی سریع نمودارهای پتروفیزیکی و با استفاده از تجربیات پتروفیزیستان ، زون های مورد نظر خود را جدا کنند.
بررسی نرم افزار Interactive Petrophysic - IP:
IP™ helps you determine the amount of hydrocarbons in your reservoir. It does this by calculating porosity and water saturation using well logging data. But IP™ is more than just petrophysics. It is also a tool for geologists and Reservoir Engineers who want to take control of their analysis and interpretation. IP™ is easy to learn so that you get going quickly, able to focus on accurate calculations that get the most out of your reservoir. IP™’s intuitive interface runs on robust algorithms and provides these benefits
Diminished uncertainty in your interpretation -
Fast results due to the ease of learning IP™ -
Flexibility so that you work the way you want to work -
We want you to get started with your interpretation instead of spending weeks or months learning the tool. To support your learning journey, we offer 24/7 support, public and bespoke in-house training courses. That’s why IP™ is easy to learn – and fast. With IP™, your workflows are efficient and reliable. Here are just a few of the reasons why
Interactive parameters that you can pick and adjust as you work -
3D visualisation allows you to identify and incorporate trends for geologic variability -
Real-time handling of depth- and time-based WITSML data input -
Automated interpretation updates -
Calculating porosity and water saturation is the core task of a petrophysicist. IP™ is the best tool for these computations because it is mathematically the most accurate tool on the market. Our tool also provides everything you need for a complete, deterministic, multi-well, and interactive interpretation. IP™ Basic bundle is ideal for complex analysis such as
Multi-mineral -
Thin beds -
Organic shales -
NMR interpretation -
تیم PetroTools این نرم افزار را برای شما ارائه می دهد. جهت تهیه نرم افزار با استفاده از منوی خرید با ما در تماس باشید
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