مهندسی هوشمند حفاری | Well Seeker Pro

نوشته شده توسط Super User. ارسال در حفاری

Innova Well Seeker Pro provides the leading digital solution for today's energy industry. From well design and engineering, to AI powered performance directional drilling and optimization, reporting and data driven analytics - Innova Well Seeker Pro delivers the one-stop drilling software solution. The Innova software suite creates a streamlined workflow, negating the need for multiple software packages and avoiding duplication of data entry. Efficiencies created by use of Innova’s platform deliver significant cost savings and pronounced performance gains.





An Intuitive and powerful drilling software application designed to aid Operators and Service Company's deal with the challenges todays drilling industry presents. From the onshore drilling engineering team to the well placement specialists on the rig, Innova provides a complete solution in one simple and easy to use package


Remote Directional Drilling & RTOC features

Directional Drilling Dashboard

Remote data fetch

Real Time Data Exchange

Well Trajectory Design

Real Time Anti-Collision

Wellbore Visualization

Survey Management

Geomagnetic Modelling

Integrated Geo-steering functionality

Integrated Daily Reporting

Database Analytics Tool

Well AFE Designer

Torque & Drag Analysis

Hydraulics & Hole Cleaning Analysis

Survey Correction

BHA Analysis & SAG Correction

Magnetic Interference Calculator

Casing Standoff & Centralizer Spacing

Jar Placement


Casing Design

Well Control

Comprehensive Well Path Planning

Full range of easy to use 2D & 3D well planning methods including:

Dogleg Tool Face

Build and Turn

Optimum Align using Curve-Hold-Curve or Curve-Curve

Line up on Target at specified inc / azi

One click S-Well and Slant Well construction

Supports multiple target geometries including:

Simple 2D circular and Elliptical

Point & Rectangular

Complex 3D multi point Polygonal

Create Drillers Targets based on error models, well trajectory & required confidence

Supports advanced well planning for all applications; from simple vertical exploration wells to complex multi-laterals

Anti-Collision Tools

Perform anti-collision scans using industry leading proximity detection algorithms

Calculate ellipse of uncertainty (EOU) using full range of ISCWSA MWD and Gyro error models

Error outputs and Centre to Centre distances validated against ISCWSA standard well paths to <0.1% error

Anti-collision scans can be run interactively during planning and drilling phases on multiple actual wells / plans

User defined warning criteria and alerts can be set to notify of potential collision risk

Casing and hole diameters can be included in separation factor calculation in order increase accuracy. Especially important for top hole drilling with large diameter surface casing

Ability to create custom Instrument Performance Models (IPM)

Error output sigma level can be selected by the user

Real Time AC feature allows monitoring of multiple offset wells and distance to lease lines

Anti-collision tools such as travelling cylinder view and ladder plot update in real time as additional surveys are entered

Advanced anti-collision visualisation tools available including:

Ladder Plot

Separation Factor Plot

Travelling Cylinder Plot

Powerful Database

Built on a powerful database engine which allows storage and navigation for an unlimited number of actual wells and plans

Easy navigation of database through familiar tree view

Import and export of data allows easy transfer of wells and plans from office locations to the field

Both local and SQL Server databases available

Local databases can be easily set up to provide real time data exchange with the master SQL Server database, allowing surveys, daily reports, BHA's etc to be updated on the master database in real time from the field

Local databases can perform a remote data fetch allowing them to pull plans and offset data directly from the master SQL Server database. This permits the field engineers to quickly build a database with all the relevant data.

Wellbore Visualization

Fully customisable, advanced and powerful 3D plotting capability

Plan View (Top Down) Plot

Section View (Side On) Plot

3D Plot

Fly down well 3D chart feature

Visualise Closest approach to all offset wells

Spider Plot with interactive TVD slice control

Azimuth Comparison Plot (Azimuth vs MD)

Inclination Comparison Plot (Inclination vs MD)

Dogleg Comparison Plot (Dogleg vs MD)

Live View Plot

Print directly to multiple image formats including PDF / jpg / bmp / png.

Copy directly to clipboard allowing images to be quickly added to Word, Excel & PowerPoint documents

Wall Plot Composer (WPC) allows the user to create customisable wall plots which can include data tables.

Pre-defined plot sizes range from A0 to A7 with a user defined option also available

Integrated Geosteering Functionality

Visualise formation top and target depths

Customisable outputs in both 2D and 3D charts

Provides clear visual updates of drilling corridor to directional driller

Update and model geological target corridor based on real time updates

Quickly create offset plans based on real time geosteering updates

Geomagnetic Modelling

Includes World Magnetic Model (WMM) and International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) model as standard

Supports British Geological Survey Global Geomagnetic Model (BGGM)

available only to full BGGM license holders

Supports High Definition Geomagnetic Model (HDGM)

available only to full HDGM license holders

Supports MagVAR’s high definition model (MVHD)

available only to MVHD license holders

Standard Reporting Features

User defined reports include:

Standard Survey reports

Geographic Survey reports

Anti-Collision reports

Ellipse of uncertainty (EOU) reports

Exports to fully customisable PDF and Excel reports

Wall Plot Composer

Integrated Daily Reporting Features

Fully Integrated within Innova's Well Seeker Pro are advanced custom daily reporting and performance reporting features including:

Daily Reports

Slide Sheets

Ability to populate Daily Reports directly from the slide sheet

Ability to auto populate slide sheets via received WITS data

Daily Cost Reports

Well Cost Reports

Mud Cost Report

Cost tracking

Mud Chemical Inventory

Tool Inventory

Tool Utilisation Reports

Personnel Utilisation Reports

Tool and Personnel Tracking

Shipping Tickets

Pipe Tally

BHA Reports

Motor and MWD Performance Reports

Motor and MWD Failure Reports

End of Well Reports

Company Man Report

KPI Tracking

Well statistics provides a detailed overview of the well data including well phases and BHA’s

Click of a button morning report package, directly opens outlook email complete with excel morning report and copy of current database as attachments and email body populated with a synopsis of daily operations

Generate and output detailed reports at the click of a button

Excel and PDF output

Easily create and output custom reports and charts

Well Planning Import

Create instant well plans by importing data directly from a predefined excel spreadsheet

Allows initial planning of multiple wells at the click of a button

Imports Targets & Lease Lines

Imports Casings

Imports Formations

User definable Nudge & Curve Doglegs

Database Analytics Tool

Powerful search tool to find and compare wells across the entire database. Multiple search criteria options available including Date Range, Radius from a given well, Formation, Assembly type, Failures, State, Directional Company, Hole Size, Rig and LIH etc

Plot all selected wells together on google maps. Surface locations, Plans, Surveys and Lease Lines can all be displayed.

Motor, MWD and Section KPI Reports

Revenue Report

Rig Days Report

Personnel Utilisation Report

Well Ranking Report

Compare KPI metrics between multiple wells and well phases:

Slide & Rotation Footage

Depth Vs Time

Failure Analysis

Directional Cost per Foot

Well Cost per Foot

BHA Details

Detailed Cost Breakdown

Wells by Formation, Directional Company, Motor Make, Bit Make

ROP & Footage by Formation, Directional Company, Motor Make, Bit Make, Hole Size

Activity & Phase Comparison

Wells by Rig

ROP & Footage by Rig

Parameter Comparison

Well / Section Performance

Average Interval Cost per Quarter

Driller Performance

Well AFE Designer

The Authorization For Expenditure (AFE) Designer is a powerful well plan costing tool which includes the following features:

Build detailed AFE for any well plan from mobilisation to demobilisation

Probabilistic & Deterministic approach

Calculate costs for P10, P50, P90 scenarios

Standardised cost codes

Factor in associated risks and assign probabilities

Export KPI charts:

Time Probability Density Function

Cost Probability Density Function

Time Cumulative Density Function

Cost Cumulative Density Function

Depth vs Time

Cost vs Time

Time Interval

Time Cumulative

Cost Interval

Cost Cumulative

Generate full reports with detailed timeline and cost breakdown:

Event Model

Detailed Event Breakdown with costs

Cost Model

Time vs Depth

Cost vs Depth

Time Histogram

Cost Histogram

Full report containing all the above reports and all KPI charts

Bid Sheets

Quickly populate customer and Supplier addresses and details from dropdown lists

Print quotation including a cover letter and any relevant notes

Cost Codes included in the bids can be quickly and easily copied to well level where they can then be selected in the Daily Reporting feature

Bids are approved by users with the relevant user permissions

Bids can be Archived by users with the relevant user permissions

Additional Features

Server based licensing

Supports data import / export from 3rd party software platforms

Ability to import COMPASS XML export files at the click of a button

Directional Difficulty Index (DDI) calculator

Motor Yield Calculator

Motor and MWD Forecasting

WITS & Remote Directional Drilling

Supports WITS & WITSML connectivity

WITS data can be pushed back from the field to the remote server database, where it can be viewed by anyone with the relevant login credentials

Slide sheets can be automatically populated based on the data received via the WITS feed.

Remote data fetch allows the user to pull wells into a local database, directly from an SQL server database

Real Time Data Exchange allows field data to be updated on the SQL server database in real time.

DD Dashboard, which provides an interface containing tools a directional driller can utilize while drilling a well either locally on the rig or remotely from an RTOC. It updates automatically while using the WITS feed and contains the following:

Rig Gauges

A Tool Face Rose which displays Toolface, Effective Toolface, Bit Projection and various other information based on the selected mode

Real Time Anti-collision for bit projection

Last 4 surveys along with the Slide Seen and Motor Yield for each one

Projections including projection to bit and advisory projection

Real time 3D plot

Drilling parameters charts populated from the WITS data feed

Choose between 4 modes: Vertical, Nudge, Curve & Lateral which provide the user with slide and rotary recommendations based on the data entered in the settings menu.

Slide Analysis

Connection Analysis


Activity Dashboard

Shows a summary with up to date data for all selected wells including, depth vs time chart, revenue tracking, inventory etc

Print job board report which includes Active Wells, Upcoming and Standby Wells, daily and monthly revenue and summary of wells by operator, state, and coordinator

Logistics Dashboard

Provides an overview of all tools in the local inventories within the database giving full oversight of all equipment

View all tools in all locations via google maps

Various filter options to quickly find the relevant items

Rigs Online Dashboard

Shows a list of all current jobs where data is being sent from the field to the server database and displays the time since last update

AC Dashboard

Displays a summary of all open RTAC dialogs

At the click of a button the user can open the surveys and RTAC dialogs for all active wells in the database

EDR Data

Receive serial WITS data directly from the rig

Receive WITSML data via a server URL

Data Acquisition allows WITS data to be stored on a server database

Customizable EDR plots allow the user to view the stored WITS data directly on their phone, tablet or web browser.


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