مدیریت اطلاعات، مدل سازی و نقشه برداری | Petrosys 2019.3
Petrosys is the leader in mapping, modeling and data management solutions for the oil & gasindustry – uniquely integrated with the broadest range of specialist geoscience and GIS applications. Petrosys produces quality maps and visualizations. It aggregates, manages and analyzes the underlying data – for actionable results that communicate with clarity and accuracy. Petrosys is the industry leader in mapping, surface modeling and data management software solutions – delivering direct connectivity with the E&P industry’s most popular exploration, production and GIS data sources. Petrosys produces high quality maps and surface models. It manages, edits, and analyses the underlying information including the specialised seismic, well and geoscience data used in the search for oil and gas. Geoscientists, data managers and engineers at more than 300 sites worldwide use Petrosys software as an essential tool for basin and field interpretation, to enhance enterprise data management and to help make better decisions.
Petrosys valued-added development continues with the release of Petrosys PRO 2019.3 – a major update to Petrosys PRO – which offers new features for users – the key highlights are significant enhancements to Petrosys’ already large footprint of thirdparty vendor connectivity, including new connections to Eliis PaleoScan™ and Rock Flow Dynamics tNavigator®. Continuing with the addition of the display of OpenWorks contours and Petrel, DecisionSpace fault sticks on the Petrosys PRO
map. Petrosys PRO 2019 solidifies the software’s position in the production world by focusing on well data improvements. Often considered as more of an explorationist’s tool kit, Petrosys PRO is widely used in production teams globally. After discussing their needs with regards to well data, we have concentrated our development on exchanging well log data and have made some major improvements to the display of well data.
The addition of Well Log Curves to our continuously expanding ‘Exchange’ capability will be a popular addition for many PRO users. PRO has long been able to exchange well header, tops, directional surveys and checkshot surveys between a variety of 3rd party sources and the addition of ‘Well Logs’ to this option makes PRO an even more proficient data management tool. Improvements in the direct access to other data from connected G&G applications continue to be a feature of Petrosys PRO releases. PRO 2019.1 gives Petrel users improvements in the selection of seismic and horizon data and drag and drop of Petrel contours; DecisionSpace and Petrel users get a more straightforward ribbon map when they drag and drop a seismic line layer on to Mapping.
To improve the quality of Production Mapping in PRO, our users have asked us to focus on how deviated well paths are displayed. With advancements in geosteering, modern wells may penetrate the top or base of a key reservoir zone repeatedly. In PRO 2019.1 the user can display the multiple intersections as well as display multiple zones in the same display layer. This ability, combined with PRO’s direct connections to key data sources, will give production teams easily updateable maps showing the spatial distribution of key producing zones. Anyone using the PostGIS opensource database will be glad to see the ability to display data directly from the database, exchange data from the database to other sources and the ability to use data from the database as input to grid creation. Maps drawn outside of the Anglosphere will benefit from improvements in the support for international character sets, ranging from the elusive German ß to the intricacies of Chinese and Japanese text. Growing user sophistication in the use of Petrosys PRO Surface Modeling has led to several improvements not immediately obvious to the casual user. Lowest closing contour calculations can have sealing faults that don’t have to be closed. Prospect outlines based on lowest closing contours may contain ‘holes’ based on local surface depressions or other structures:
Shapefiles with this topology can now be successfully used in Petrosys PRO volumetrics. Point data from Excel and GIS sources can now be optionally regarded as representing lines to allow inclusion of the implied gradient in surface computations. The inclusion of all input data for gridding, and not just that within the current AOI, can now be enabled, as can elliptical search radii.
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