تحلیل نتایج چاه آزمایی | Ryder Scott SNAP 2.915

نوشته شده توسط Super User. ارسال در مهندسی نفت و مخزن

SNAP™ is a tool designed to conduct well performance predictions using NODAL Analysis. With SNAP™, you can analyze relationships between the reservoir, wellbore, and surface equipment to determine a well's production capacity. This analysis is called NODAL Analysis because these areas are segmented into nodes to better define their relationships. SNAP™ provides the tools to optimize well production rates, estimate reservoir variables from production history and predict a well's future production schedule with pressure transient results.



SNAP™ contains all the features of the most expensive commercial NODAL Analysis packages with the exception of compositional hydraulics. Interface and features are completely designed around the needs of the user, including rigorous, multi-layer IPRs, multi-segment, horizontal well modeling, Ansari, OLGA and MONA hydraulics correlations, extensive database access features for effortless access to tubular, gas lift and reservoir performance mechanical details as stored on an ODBC Database.



All reservoir performance models

12 tubing hydraulics correlations

User input PVT and IPR for any case not covered

Horizontal well model including the effects of well position in the drainage area

Relative permeability effects for WSO evaluations

Links with ProCast and other field wide optimization models

Fully editable, presentation-quality graphics and reports

Perforated and GP completion effects, with completion pressure drop using real gas pseudo pressure

Critical lifting rates, mixture velocities, erosional velocities, and PVT properties reported every 200 feet in the wellbore

Multiple segment tubing strings

Multi zone completions with wellbore cross flow.

Deviated, stimulated, and partially penetrated

Restriction pressure drops with sub critical flow and four critical flow methods

Sensitivities evaluated on all reservoir, completion or tubing parameters


Gas-Lift Design

The gas lift design portion of the program allows an engineer to create a new gas lift design and/or troubleshoot an existing gas lift design. The gas lift portion of the program also allows a single engineer to automatically troubleshoot ALL wells in the field and later review the wells that the program determines to have the greatest opportunity for increased production, safety risk or mechanical problems. Many examples are provided in the samples datasets folder.

Jet-Pump Design

The jet pump design portion of the program allows an engineer to create a new jet pump design and/or troubleshoot an existing jet pump design. Input data must still be in English units, but now there is an option to create the output report with SI units.

Jet-Pump Design Basics

Many examples are provided in the samples datasets folder that use Jet-Pumps. However, it is assumed that the user is familiar with the concepts of hydraulic pumping, jet pump operation, and the size designations of jet pumps. If not, a short Jet-Pump Primer is presented here.   If additional information is required, a useful jet pump reference is "JET PUMPING OIL WELLS." by Hal Petrie, Phil Wilson, and Eddie Smart. This is a series of three articles which appeared in WORLD OIL magazine in November 1983, December 1983, and January 1984. (NOTE: The equations presented in this series of articles are intended to be used with hand held calculators as opposed to computers.) Also recommended is Chapter 6 of the PETROLEUM ENGINEERING HANDBOOK published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers. This chapter on hydraulic pumping contains further information on jet pumps and contains the algorithms upon which the SNAP™ jet-pump design is based.


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