طراحی لوله جداری و تیوبینگ | TDAS 2020.1
The tubular design and analysis system (TDAS) offers high-performance casing and tubing design and analysis. Its primary purpose is to determine the stresses, forces, movements, and design factors that occur as a result of the applied load conditions on tubular strings. Based on these calculations the program can propose a minimum-cost string for a given well based on the input constraints (design criteria, hole size, installed condition, and load cases).
Results of design and analysis are saved as a wellplan (*.tds). A wellplan can be loaded for further modifications in another session or loaded to serve as a template for another wellplan.
A special feature is the load case, which allows you to associate one external pressure, one internal pressure, and one temperature profile as an event. (Fluid friction profiles, wall loss selection, or a plug can also be defined.) The load case allows you to explore a specific event, rather than combining a number of factors into a general event.
Load cases are typically generated by the rule set. A rule set that reflects philosophical differences in design based on company policy and/or geographical location. A rule set defines acceptable design factors, an installed condition for each string, design load cases, standard hole sizes, and other factors typically found in a casing design manual.
New in TDAS 2020.1:
Include nominal weight and adjusted weight in tubulars catalogs
Nominal weight and adjusted weight columns have been included in all tubular catalogs. Also the nominal weight has been defaulted to adjusted weight in all the default tubular catalogs included in the software.
When a pipe with different nominal weight and adjusted weight is selected:
· Nominal weight will be shown on the pipe name
· Adjusted weight will be used for all calculations
Max and Min working temperature for Packer and Liner Hanger
TDAS is now able to compare the output temperature at a given depth to the max and min working temperature for packer and liner hanger. TDAS compares both the top as well as the bottom of the packer / liner hanger temperature to the max and min working temperature for packer and liner hanger. In short, it does a worst case scenario comparison and displays a warning if needed under Narrative in the output tab. When the max/min temperature rating is exceeded, a warning will be shown on the output tab.
Carry forward pipe movements
· When a load case is copied and pasted as installed load case, the engine is run to determine any axial adjustment and movement.
· The pipe movement for the parent load case (base load case i.e, the one which was copied) is retrieved. This involves summing the length changes on the movements tab of the engine output of the parent as long as unlimited movement (9999 in) is not set.
For example: The seal assembly movement on top of a sealbore packer will be recorded and carried forward.
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Load cases are typically generated by the rule set. A rule set that reflects philosophical differences in design based on company policy and/or geographical location. A rule set defines acceptable design factors, an installed condition for each string, design load cases, standard hole sizes, and other factors typically found in a casing design manual.