شبیه سازی مخازن | CMG 2022.10

نوشته شده توسط Super User. ارسال در مهندسی نفت و مخزن

Computer Modelling Group Ltd., abbreviated as CMG, is a software company that produces reservoir simulation software for the oil and gas industry. This release is the official 2021 General Release of CMG software. The products within the General Release contain many new features and bug fixes. The release contains the 2021.10 version of the following products: Builder, cEDIT, Cloud, CMOST AI, DataImporter, GEM, IMEX, Launcher, Report, Results, STARS, WinProp.



What's New in Builder 2022:


Grid Independent Wells

• Wells can now be defined independent of the grid by specifying trajectory data and perforation measured depth intervals in place of user block address information. Additional options to rotate and shift grid independent wells have been added to simplify parameterizing studies where different well locations are being considered. Converting wells in existing models to grid independent wells can easily be done in BUILDER.

Unconventional Wells

Enhance Properties in Propped/Unpropped Region of a Fracture Region

• A propped region can now be defined within the fracture region to modify property values. The propped region is based on the distance from the fracture origin and the unpropped region is the remaining area between the fracture region extent and the propped fracture region extent. These properties can be parameterized from CMOST for sensitivity analysis.

Property Distribution Data Cutoff and Modification

• Support for reading and displaying the property distribution data cutoff (PDD CUTOFF) and modification (PDD MOD) options.

Auto-creation of Trajectories when Modifying Fractures

• Trajectory data is not required to build a model however, when making changes to fractures, having permanent trajectories can eliminate subtle data drifting. BUILDER will now automatically generate trajectory data when working with hydraulic fractures if the data doesn’t already exist.


Geothermal Process Wizard

• The geothermal wizard can create new geothermal data sets and automatically add the appropriate grid, fluid model, relative permeability, thermal properties, and wells/flexwells to model the selected process. The geothermal wizard can also modify existing data sets to extend the grid to the surface, convert wells to flexwells, or add horizontal wells with specified curvatures, directions, and lengths.


SIP Compression for saving along with additional compression support

• The new optional SIP compressed proprietary dataset format is available when saving which can significantly reduce the file size. Support for adding PDD in SIP has also been added.

Creating Blockgroups for Drainage Radius of Wells

• Creating blockgroups and/or sectors for blocks within the drainage radius of individual wells has been added to the Blocks Selector tool. This option is especially useful for history matching models with many wells.


DFN Options Added

• Property data associated with the DFN is now available through probing. Additionally, a 3D properties option has been added to show only the DFN planes that are confined to the reservoir region.

Displays in 4K

• Display improvements for several different screens in BUILDER when using 4K monitors.

CMG is introducing the following features in Results 2022.10:

Grid Independent Well Support

Results loads trajectory data from SR3 files. The trajectory for a well is present in the SR3 file if the new Grid Independent Wells feature is used (WBRANCH keyword) or, if the simulator forwards the information from the dataset. These trajectories will show up everywhere a trajectory can be used. Additionally, a SR3 file with trajectories will "self-associate" so that the "distance to first perf" will be calculated along the trajectory.

Improvements to the Flow Allocation Dashboard

Small enhancements were made to the pie chart for the allocation percentages for the selected well.

The flow allocation details, visible in the bottom right of the flow allocation dashboard, can now be exported to Excel for further processing. The raw data for the given timestep as well as two pivot tables are exported.

Other Enhancements

Trajectory Associations

A trajectory file or well log file can now be associated with more than one SR3 file.

Repeating Over Well Log Paths

"Repeat over" functionality has been extended to allow creation of repeat groups over well log paths, previously a repeat group had to be created for each path.

Speed Improvements

Noticeable improvements in display speed for flex well plots both if the simulation is still running and if the simulation has been completed.

Handling radial grids with a large number of grid blocks.

What's New in GEM 2022.10

Simulator Changes

Temperature Dependent Compaction and Dilation Tables

Temperature is introduced as an independent variable in addition to pressure in compaction and dilation modeling. This is intended to model the effect of temperature variation during compaction and dilation, for instance to study potential thermal fracturing in reservoirs with colder/warmer fluid injection. See template data sets gmsmo150 and gmsmo161.

New Imbibition Capillary Pressure Scaling Option

In addition to the existing full-range saturation scaling method (*FULLRANGE) for reading the boundary imbibition curve in oil-water capillary pressure hysteresis, two new methods (*SORMIX and *COMBINED) are implemented. The new options provide flexibility in controlling the curvature of formed scanning curves.

Please refer to the manual page for *PCOWI_SCALE and template data sets gmsmo162 and gmsmo163.

Setting up of the initial Trapped Oil Saturation (*SORM)

A new optional sub-keyword *RELAX has been added to *SORM allowing trapped oil data to be modified so as not to exceed specified residual oil saturations from the drainage relative permeability tables or from the user input grid block residual oil saturations.

Please refer to the manual page for *SORM and template data set gmsmo164.

GEM-Surface Network Modeling – IPR Correction

An algorithm is added for IPR correction based on average pressure in the well drainage area. Pressure in the drainage area, PDRAIN is written out to the communication file for models using outboard protocol. The surface networks may use PDRAIN to correct the IPR.

For GEM-GAP link, IPR correction based on drainage area pressure is done within GEM itself with command-line option -ipr_cor. Use this feature for models where well rates show oscillatory behavior.

New Option for Heat-Loss Calculations

An optional heat-loss model is now available through keyword *HEAT-LOSS *VW-S, which is a modification of traditional Vinsome-Westerveld (*VW) model. We found the heat-loss calculated by the two models to be in close agreement in most cases, but in certain dual-continua models the new *VW-S method was found to be more robust.

Please refer to manual page for *HEAT-LOSS and template data set gmthr001.

Aqueous Phase Density

The aqueous density output for sector is now made consistent with the grid-block based output. Additionally, aqueous phase density calculations have been improved for non-isothermal cases.

Surface Complexation

The convergence criterion for surface complexation equations has been simplified and a critical fix has been made to avoid potential failure during surface complexation modeling.

Chemical Equilibrium and Mineral Reactions

The upper limit of damping factors for Chemical Equilibrium and TST Mineral Reactions has been increased to allow validation with the equivalent Mineral Equilibrium Reactions.

Outboard Scanning for CMG Python Editor

GEM now supports scanning of group, sector, and well-completion layer information from the data file for making it available to the CMG’s Python Editor.

Output Enhancements

Additional Geomechanics Items including those Related to Fault Modeling

Thirty geomechanics items including those related to fault modeling option have been added that can now be output via *OUTSRF *GRID, and *OUTPRN *GRID. Twenty-seven of these items are also available through *OUTSRF *SPECIAL.

Please refer to manual pages and template data sets gmgmc90-gmgmc092.

Geomechanics Changes

Fault Reactivation Modeling

Fault reactivation modeling option is now available in GEM. The feature is used to trigger flow across or along a fault by using geomechanics. Two options are available:

(a) Modeling fault by changing fault transmissibility, TRANSF, when geomechanical slip tendency exceeds a critical value, such that fluid flow across the fault could occur.

(b) Modeling fault by representing the fault plane with thin grid blocks and computing fluid flow within and through them. These fault blocks have all the flow properties like any other reservoir grid block, so the fluid can flow through them when computed slip tendency between the fault grid block and the adjacent reservoir grid block exceeds a user specified threshold. The main advantage of using the fault grid blocks is that fluid can flow to the other over/underlying zones along the fault Please refer to manual pages and template data sets gmgmc90-92.

Grid Section Changes

Planar Fracture Template Input for Propped and Unpropped Zone

The new keywords (*PROPPED_BWHLEN, *PROPPED_HEIGHTUP, *PROPPED_HEIGHTDOWN) are introduced to specify a propped- and unpropped-zone inside the fracture zone.

The two new keywords (*PROP, *UNPROP) are used to assign properties to propped and unpropped zone, respectively.

The existing keyword *ELLIPTICAL_DISTRIBUTION was previously applied only to the permeability distribution. Now it will also be applied to other spatial property as well if propped zone is defined.

To use the propped/unpropped feature, *PROPPED_BWHLEN must be non-zero and either *PROPPED_HEIGHTUP or *PROPPED_HEIGHTDOWN must also be non-zero. If *ELLIPTICAL_DISTRIBUTION is *ON, both *PROPPED_HEIGHTUP and *PROPPED_HEIGHTDOWN must be non-zero.

Cutoff and Modification of Property Distribution Data

The *CUTOFF option after *PDD specifies a minimum conductivity below which the conductivity values will be filtered out. The *MOD option after *PDD modifies the original PDD data. The new keyword *PDD_NAME in a Planar Fracture Template is to associate a PDD with planar fractures created by the template. The PDD names support wildcarding (? and *) so that the CUTOFF / MOD option can be applied to a group of PDDs. The fracture size (i.e., bi-wing lengths and heights) will be determined by the associated PDD and the cutoff operation will be applied to it.


A new option *FG is added to bring consistency in treatment for the fracture in the local grid refinement.

Cut-off for Discrete Fracture Segment Volume

New keyword *DFSCUTOFF vol nulls out discrete fracture grid blocks whose volume is less than vol. The keyword is like *PVCUTOFF but applies to discrete fracture grid-blocks. It can be useful in improving the simulator performance by nulling-out small volume discrete fracture segments in the model.

Improvement in Array Reading Filters

A replacement value can be given after *MINVAL / *MAXVAL. The new syntax is *MINVAL / *MAXVAL val1 val2 (while the old syntax is *MINVAL / *MAXVAL val1). If the candidate value is beyond the threshold val1 and the second value val2 has been specified, the candidate value will be replaced by val2 alternatively.

Managing of Connection Array Working Space

The algorithm is improved to manage connection array space for handling large number of grid-blocks especially for models using parallel processing.

Well Management Changes

New Constraints for Group Control

New constraints for group production control, *BHO, *BHG and *BHW, have been added for *GCONP *MAX and *GCONP *GTARGET. These controls were previously available only for injection groups.

Handle Models with a Large Number of Triggers

The upper limit of triggers in a dataset has been relaxed to allow use of a large number of triggers, if necessary.

Template Dataset Changes

The following Table lists new or modified template data files.

GMGRO037 Demonstrate use of keyword *PINCHVGAP *SKIP

GMGMC090 Fault Reactivation through fault grid blocks -- dual continua Case

GMGMC090 Fault Reactivation Modeling fault grid blocks -- single porosity Case

GMGMC092 Fault Reactivation Modeling without fault grid blocks

GMSMO160 Use of Temperature Dependent Rock Compaction Tables

GMSMO161 Use of Temperature Dependent Rock Dilation Tables

GMSMO162 Capillary Pressure Scaling Option *PCOWI_SCALE *COMBINED

GMSMO163 Capillary Pressure Scaling Option *PCOWI_SCALE *SORMIX

GMSMO164 Use of *SORM *RELAX in a 2-D Miscible Flood model

GMTHR001 Use *VW-S Model for Heat-Loss Calculation

GMTHR012 Model with varying thermal properties

Miscellaneous Changes / Bug Fixes


• Fixed assignment of *BG without *FZ or *NFZ.

• Fixed reading of DFN data in FAB format.

• Fixed parallel execution of models with tracers that use total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme.

• Improved Log (saturation Index) plotting.

• Fixed pressure entries in IPR tables for wells with backflow.

• Fixed initialization of component array being passed to surface network.

• Fixed thermal conduction in models with variable thermal conductivity.

• Fixed an error in connectivity of grid blocks through pinched out blocks.

Data Incompatibilities with Previous Versions of GEM

Restarts generated from previous versions are not compatible with this version of GEM due to additional reading/writing of data.

What's New in IMEX 2022.10:

Thermal Black-Oil Modelling

IMEX is now able to efficiently solve the thermal energy conservation and model the temperature effects on fluid viscosities and other thermal induced reservoir physics.

The minimum thermal properties required are the specific heat for formation (*CP-ROCK) of each rock type and phase fluids (*CP-FLUID) in each PVT region. The bottom-hole temperature of any open injector must be provided by *INJ-TEMP. The initial reservoir temperature can be assigned per grid block (*TEMPER), as a depth function (*TEMPVD), or from the PVT region (*TRES).

Thermal conduction can be controlled by the grid block array *THCOND. Heat loss to over/underburden can be optionally included using *HEAT-LOSS (with *HLPROP), based on the semi-analytical Vinsome method.

The temperature dependence of liquid viscosities is introduced in a tabular form by *OILVISC-T and *WATVISC-T, which requires setting of the reference conditions (*VISC-REF) for system pressure and bubble-point pressure (and additionally API gravity for light-oil tracking, and salinity for Salt modelling).

For polymer injection, the thermal effect on mixture viscosity is achieved through defining the reference polymer viscosity as a function of temperature (*PVISC-T) for analytic mixing rules or using the general mixing table (*PMIX-TABLE). The polymer degradation half-life time and residual resistant factor can both be temperature dependent via keywords *POLY-DEGR-HL-T and *POLYRRF-T, respectively.

Temperature can be used as the interpolant among multiple relative permeability table sets (*INTCOMP *TEMPER). Thermal expansion effects can be achieved by specifying *TRPOR and *CTPOR.

Please refer to the relevant manual pages for technical details and the full set of new templates mxthrxxx.dat. In addition, mxgmc049.dat has also been included to illustrate the temperature-dependent (*GRTEMTAB) geomechanics coupling.

Proppant Transportation in HF (Beta)

The modelling of proppant transportation in hydraulic fractures (HF) has been implemented in IMEX, which simulates the major physical behaviors such as proppant advection flow, leak off and gravitational settling. It also includes the effects from particle collision, packing, blocking, and crashing during the injection and production operations. The design logic follows tightly with CMG’s existing HF workflow using the rock dilation path, without having to resort to the pure geomechanics, pre-setting the half-length of the fracture, or requirement for unloading, recompaction, and reloading data for fractured region. It allows for introduction of multiple proppants with varying mechanical properties at different fracking stages. This novel method has been demonstrated computationally efficient and thus is suitable for large field applications. Please refer to the manual page of keywords *PROPP-DEF and *PROPP-INJCONC for proppant definition and technical details, and the new templates mxsmo099.dat and mxsmo100.dat.

General Polymer Mixing Table

A general (4-D) polymer solution viscosity table (*PMIX-TABLE) has been implemented to provide the greatest flexibility for all combinations of the effects from polymer concentration, shearing, salinity, and temperature. This tabular form naturally reduces its dimensions when any of the mentioned effects is excluded. Please refer to the relevant manual pages for syntax details and the revised template mxspr026.dat.

Rock-Type Based Polymer Adsorption Properties

As an alternative to the permeability-based polymer-rock adsorption property input (*PPERM), the rock-type based (i.e., *RTYPE) input is now available through keyword *POLYROCK. Please refer to the relevant manual pages for syntax details and the revised template mxspr012.dat.

Enhancement on Rock Compaction / Dilation

The rock compaction / dilation modelling (*CROCKTAB / *CROCKTABE) has been improved by adding two new second dependences on the cumulative water flux (normalized by initial pore volume) using keyword *CROCKTABX, and on the temperature using keyword *CROCKTABT valid for thermal modelling. Please refer to the new templates mxsmo096.dat and mxsmo097.dat, respectively.


The input and output unit conversion has been made more versatile, allowing selected quantities to be given units different from the dimensioned general unit systems. Please refer to the relevant manual pages for the alternative quantities and unit names, and the revised template mxfrr022.dat.

Weighting Factor for *BLOCKP5/9

A weighting factor has been introduced to provide more flexibility in calculating the averaged well block pressure over a 5-point or 9-point pattern. Please refer to the manual page for *OUTSRF *WELL *BLOCKP5/9.

Restart Backward Compatibility

Starting from this release of IMEX, restart backward compatibility will be maintained back to IMEX 2021.10. Note that restart compatibility requires that the restart run data be compatible with both the original run data and the newer version. The newer version may not give the same numerical performance or engineering results as the older version, due to changes (e.g., default settings) and improvements.

Grid Changes

Cutoff and Modify Property Distribution Data (PDD)

The *CUTOFF option after *PDD specifies a minimum conductivity below which the conductivity values will be filtered out. The *MOD option after *PDD modifies the original PDD data. The new keyword *PDD_NAME in a Planar Fracture Template is to associate a PDD with planar fractures created by the template. The PDD names supports wildcarding (? and *) so that the CUTOFF / MOD option can be applied to a group of PDDs. The fracture size (i.e., bi-wing lengths and heights) will be determined by the associated PDD and the cutoff operation applied to it.

Value Cutoff for *MINVAL and *MAXVAL

A replacement value can be given after *MINVAL / *MAXVAL. The new syntax is *MINVAL / *MAXVAL val1 val2 (while the old syntax is *MINVAL / *MAXVAL val1). If the candidate value is beyond the threshold val1 and the second value val2 has been specified, the candidate value will be replaced by val2 alternatively.

Propped and Unpropped Regions of Hydraulic Fracture

New sub-keywords *PROPPED_BWHLEN, *PROPPED_HEIGHTUP and *PROPPED_HEIGHTDOWN in the Planar Fracture Template can specify propped and unpropped regions in the fractured zone of a planar fracture. The new options *PROP and *UNPROP specify the property assignments for propped and unpropped regions, respectively. The propped region will be elliptical if *ELLIPTICAL_DISTRIBUTION is *ON. The propped/unpropped assignments are not affected by *KWPRIORITY and are always processed after all the other assignments have been completed.

Well Management Enhancements

New Constraints for Group Control

New constraints for group production control on bottom-hole fluid rates, BHO, BHG and BHW, have been added under *GCONP *MAX / *GTARGET. Please refer to the revised template mxwwm040.dat.

New Monitor for Producers

A new monitor constraint for production wells on the polymer (mass) to water (volume) ratio has been added under *MONITOR *PWR for layer or well control. Please refer to the revised template mxspr008.dat.

What’s New in cEDIT 2022.10:

The following improvements have been made in cEDIT 2022.10:

• Up-to-date list of 2022 simulator keywords for highlighting.

• Retain original file format. Leading whitespaces from each line in a file are no longer removed.

What’s New in CMOST-AI 2022.10:

• Improved file I/O exception handling during study xml file serialization when engine is running. The improvement is helpful for running CMOST on AWS cloud.

• Fixed a bug in student-t cumulative distribution function (CDF) calculation when t-ratio is very large.

• Fixed a bug on Engine Settings page that causes two Boolean properties not being saved to study xml file: Honor Parameter Hard Constraints when Creating New Experiments in DECE engine and Inertia Weight Auto Shrinking in Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) engine.

• Able to reuse binary flux boundary input file specified by FLXB-IN keyword when creating simulation datasets in study folder.

• Improved “Run Selected Datasets” dialog on Experiments Table page to make it clear that there are unlimited number of concurrent jobs when users choose to run experiments manually.

What’s New in Launcher 2022.10:

The following new features and improvements have been made in Launcher 2022.

• The CMG_TEMP environment variable can now be used to specify the path where Launcher-generated files, such as batch scripts for job submission, are written.

• Fixed the issue where "Run simulator for one time-step only" option stays enabled in the submit dialog for Report simulations.

• Improved the message shown under Message column when there are currently no available processors after submitting a job.

What’s New in WinProp 2022.10:

General Simulation Output

• Added extra output lines in .out file for phase mass and volume compositions.

CCE Module

• Added negative flash option to CCE module for better handling the near-saturation pressure calculation.

Isenthalpic Flash

• Added an option to calculate the enthalpy value based on 2-phase flash for the given pressure and temperature.

• Implemented an option to do a series of isenthalpic flash for a given range of pressures, and to do various property plots as well.


• Implemented GEM surface complexation reaction option.

Major Bug Fixes

• Improved GEM GHG component/mineral name shortening algorithm to eliminate possible name duplications among 3 reaction databases.

• Fixed bugs related to the GEM GHG Minteq.V4 aqueous reaction selection and missing Wolery mineral reaction string(s) after just read-in.

• Fixed a regression bug for parameter bound value(s) update.

• Fixed a bug for GEM LLV region plots.

• Fixed a bug for too-long GEM/STARS K-value table (mainly composition dependent tables) Y-titles.

• Fixed an issue for CH4 and N2 Henry-Constants calculation when the ENI (2012) CO2/H2S model is enabled.

What’s New in STARS 2022.10:

Simulator Changes

Numerical Control

*COMBINATIVE *AUTO is enabled by default when *AUTOTUNE *ON is used. When *COMBINATIVE is activated, *SOLVER *AIMSOL will be overwritten by *SOLVER *PARASOL with *PNTHRDS 2. It is possible to disable *COMBINATIVE without affecting the rest of *AUTOTUNE settings if the switch to *SOLVER *PARASOL is not desirable.

New keyword *PERFSCAN pre-scans all the wells and layers that will ever be defined during the run and generates the solver pointers only once, reducing the CPU time in solver pointer calculations. All the inactive wells and layers will be included in the solver's linear system. Models with a large number of well changes will benefit the most from this option. See template "stsmo108.dat".

Flexible Wellbore

New keyword *FLXPUMP adds a pump for tubing strings or annulus of producer wells. The specified well must be attached to an existing Flexible Wellbore. Sub-keyword *POWDPMAX specifies the pump power and the maximum allowed pressure increase. See template “stwwm163.dat".

Flexible Wellbore blockage due to solid deposition (*FLX_WELLBORE *SOLID_BLOCK) can now be used with *SEGREGATION *NOSLIP.

"FRICTION & HEAT FOR FLEXIBLE WELLBORE" summary in the output file (enabled by *WPRN *FLEXWELL *FRICTION) now includes the well heat loss from annulus or tubing strings. The thermal resistance of wall (Wall_Res) for a tubing represents the summation of thermal resistances of tubing wall and insulation (if applicable). For an annulus, Wall_Res represents the summation of thermal resistances of rock, casing and cement. Fluid_Res represents the thermal resistance due to fluid convective movement.

New output *OUTSRF *FLEXLAYER *FLUIDENT represents the total fluid enthalpy inside a Flexible Wellbore, i.e. the molar weighted summation of enthalpies of all fluid components present in the mixture.

Well Separators

New keyword *WELSEP allows the definition of multi-stage surface separators for producer wells. Sub-keyword *STAGE specifies the pressure and temperature of each stage for two-phase flash calculations. Pressure and temperature for surface stream density calculation can be specified with sub-keyword *STREAM-DEN. New keyword *SKVTABLE specifies the K value table of components for surface separators (pressure and temperature limits can be defined with the new keyword *SKVTABLIM). New keyword *WELSEP-ICPRT controls the printing of separator stage compositions to the output file. See template “stwwm164.dat".

Solver Changes

Combinative Preconditioner

With the new *COMBINATIVE sub-keyword *AUTO, the optimal choice between options *OFF, *AMG and *ILU is made dynamically by the simulator during the run. The selection algorithm considers the workload of each option by monitoring parameters such as implicitness level, the number of solver iterations per Newton cycle, and the average number of pressure iterations per solver cycle. See template “stsmo108.dat".

Grid Changes

Property Distribution Data (PDD)

SIP input format can now be used with *PDD keyword. New sub-keyword *CUTOFF specifies the minimum conductivity below which the conductivity values are filtered out. New sub-keyword *MOD modifies the original PDD data. *CUTOFF and *MOD options can be applied to a group of PDDs using wildcards (? and *). See template “verify103.dat".

New keyword *PDD_NAME in the Planar Fracture Template associates PDD data to the fracture created by the template.

Hydraulic Fractures

New sub-keywords *PROPPED_BWHLEN, *PROPPED_HEIGHTDOWN and *PROPPED_HEIGHTDOWN in the Planar Fracture Template specify the propped and unpropped regions in the fractured zone of a planar fracture. New options *PROP and *UNPROP specify the property assignments for the propped and unpropped fracture zones, respectively. The propped region will be elliptical if *ELLIPTICAL_DISTRIBUTION *ON is enabled. The propped/unpropped assignments are not affected by *KWPRIORITY and are always processed after all the other assignments have been completed.

Grid Property Input

New option for keywords *MAXVAL and *MINVAL provides more flexibility for replacing the input values, e.g. when *MAXVAL max_value (new value) is used and the candidate value is greater than max_value, the specified new_value is assigned.


New keyword *DFSCUTOFF specifies the level at which a discrete fracture segment’s pore volume is small enough to be considered zero. The affected blocks are flagged as NULL and removed from simulation.

Well Management Changes

Group Control Constraints

New constraints for group production control on bottom-hole oil rate (*BHO), gas rate (*BHG) and water rate (*BHW) are available for *GCONP *MAX and *GCONP *GTARGET options.


New component-based triggers are available for *ON_WELL, *ON_GROUP and *ON_REPGRP options:

VRLS 'comp_name': volumetric component rate at surface conditions (produced oil phase)

VRVS 'comp_name': volumetric component rate at surface conditions (produced gas phase)

VRAS 'comp_name': volumetric component rate at surface conditions (produced water phase)

VRWSING 'comp_name': volumetric component rate at surface conditions (gas injection)

VRWSINJ 'comp_name': volumetric component rate at surface conditions (injection)

VCLS 'comp_name': volumetric component cumulative at surface conditions (produced oil phase)

VCVS 'comp_name': volumetric component cumulative at surface conditions (produced gas phase)

VCAS 'comp_name': volumetric component cumulative at surface conditions (produced water phase)

VCWSING 'comp_name': volumetric component cumulative at surface conditions (gas injection)

VCWSINJ 'comp_name': volumetric component cumulative at surface conditions (injection)

Template Dataset Changes

New Template Datasets


Skempton and Mandel-Cryer Effects (triaxial with *GEOGRID)




Verify/Illustrate *FLXPUMP




Verify/Illustrate SIP Format for *PDD

Changed Template Datasets












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