مدیریت کامل میادین | IAM 2023.1
IAM field development planning and operations software provides a flexible simulation framework for asset-level decision making that integrates reservoir, production, process, and economics domain models. This total system model approach enables you to run a variety of integrated simulation models, delivering numerous benefits such as a united understanding of subsurface and surface, improved forecast accuracy, accurate capex prediction, and optimized operational efficiencies.
Enable critical, asset-level decisions through a total system model
A single production simulation environment integrates all asset details contained in the individual simulation models of the reservoir, wells, surface infrastructure, and process facilities. The simulation environment enables the implementation of logical connections, constraints, and optimization routines so the value of multiple operational, tactical, and strategic scenarios can be studied, compared, and optimized. With this total system model approach, more opportunities exist for collaboration between surface and subsurface teams, which helps align them to common planning and operations goals over the lifetime of the field.
Solve your asset-specific challenges
IAM software offers the flexibility to couple any combination of models into one fully integrated asset model while preserving the fidelity of individual detailed models. From production forecasting for reservoirs, wells, and networks to complex optimization problem-solving based on field constraints, IAM software enables you to solve a range of complex technical challenges.
- Understand critical interactions and constraints between topsides or surface facilities with gathering systems and wells
- Predict effect of field development on processing facilities and the resulting impact on product quality
- Achieve more accurate forecasts by accounting for the interactions of subsurface deliverability with surface infrastructure and operational constraints.
- Model compositional blending, mixing, and injection of multiple producing zones and reservoirs to meet product specifications.
- Optimize the use of artificial lift, EOR, and improved oil recovery (IOR) injection.
- Maximize reservoir recovery and defer abandonment.
- Plan gas storage operations by predicting deliverability and optimizing compression design.
- Control crossflow between sands using optimized inlet control valves in complex wells.
Improve results through coupling of best-in-class simulation tools
The open framework of IAM software enables the coupling of a wide number of simulation software applications including
Reservoir simulation models
- ECLIPSE industry-reference simulator for black-oil, compositional, thermal, and streamline reservoir simulation
- INTERSECT high-resolution reservoir simulator that goes beyond the capabilities offered by conventional simulators
- MBX material balance tank model for fast and simple reservoir modeling
- IMEX reservoir simulator tool from Computer Modeling Group
- MBAL material balance simulator from Petroleum Experts
Multiphase flow simulation models
- PIPESIM steady-state multiphase flow simulator
- OLGA dynamic multiphase flow simulator
- GAP multiphase oil and gas software from Petroleum Experts
Process and facilities simulation models
- Symmetry Process Software Platform
- HYSYS from AspenTech
- Petro-Sim from KBC Advanced Technologies
- UniSim process modeling tool from Honeywell
Economics domain models
- Merak Peep for full economics, portfolio, and reserves management
In addition, IAM software has an OPC DA model adapter for real-time connection for digital oil field workflows. Third-party software integration is supported for Microsoft Excel and other engineering packages for reservoir, well, and surface simulations.
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